I Give Myself My Own Dignity

imageI give myself my own dignity.  Cool.  I’m going to change it up.  I’m going to begin choosing mine with a soft edge, instead of the dignity I “fight” for from my hard-hearted, stubborn place.

Am reading about this human spirit/dignity thing.  Check this out, written by Jack Kornfield, from his book The Wise Heart.  

“We can perhaps most easily admire the human spirit when it shines in the world’s great moral leaders.  We see an unshakable compassion in the Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi, who remains steadfast and loving in spite of long years of house arrest in Burma.  We remember how South African president Nelson Mandela walked out of prison with a gracious spirit of courage and dignity that was unbent by twenty-seven years of torture and hardship.  But the same spirit also beams from healthy children everywhere.  Their joy and natural beauty can reawaken us to our Buddha nature.  They remind us that we are born with this shining spirit.”

I got this.  You got this.  We got this.