Mother Teresa – My Hero 

It was inevitable.  We always knew she would be a saint.  Everybody knew.  She had to have known, too, as much as she didn’t want to.

One thing the Catholic Church does pretty well is teach people to be humble.  I watched as the most brilliant kids in our local Jesuit high school were told that their talents were gifts from God, during the awards ceremony at their graduation. Now it was their responsibility to go use them to help others.  They were to put their God given superintellects to work to improve this world.

No public pats on the back for all of the hard work, for beating everybody else, (there was some fierce competition), for being way above and beyond smart; no ‘Glory be to (fill in the student name)‘.

Ego is the enemy; helping others is the point – without letting ego get in the way, which it does so easily.  It can be a little confusing because even helping others is really about our own needs, because ultimately we are doing whatever we are doing to make us feel good.

So from this environment comes my role model from afar… Calcutta (Kolkata) India to be exact.  Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu.  Mother Teresa.  I’ve been enthralled with her for a long time.

Just how can anyone be so selfless?   So extremely devoted to everyone else?  I can be pretty darned devoted to the others in my life, but honestly, not to the exclusion of my own comfort and happiness.  I have definitely not taken the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience that she has.  Nor have I taken her fourth vow of ‘wholehearted free service to the poorest of the poor’.  I can’t find it right now, but I think Missionaries of Charity are allowed to own, like, five things.  The list went something like:  a Bible, a comb, a plate, a fork and a cup. Oh my stuff,  my closets full of stuff…

Mother Teresa thought that she wanted to become a nun at the age of twelve.  I’ll never forget reading in one of her biographies that when at the age of eighteen she told her mother (who was a widow; Agnes’ father had died suddenly when she was eight), her mother went and locked herself in her bedroom for twenty-four hours and wept.  When she came out, she had accepted her daughter’s decision, and helped her leave for Ireland from The Republic of Macedonia, to teach as a Sister of Loreto.

Macedonia is in southeastern Europe.  It’s bordering countries are Kosova, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, and Albania (where her folks were from, and where she was born).  Her mom knew that she would likely never see Agnes again, as this was in 1928, and the distance was dramatic.  They never did see each other again.  I don’t think I could do that, either.

She only taught in Ireland for a year, where she was given the title of ‘Mother’, and the name ‘Teresa’ after Saint Therese of Liseux.  All of the nuns in the order were addressed as ‘Mother’.  After a year of teaching, she was assigned to be an educator in a school for girls in a poor part of Calcutta, India, where she spent seventeen years and eventually became the principal.

It bothered her very much to see the sick and destitute outside the fences of the school, so she basically petitioned the powers that be within the church and eventually was allowed to start her own order.  Her order, the Missionaries of Charity, wear plain and simple white robes with blue lines, and a head covering that makes me want to wrap my clean hair in it after I have showered, made of the same simple white fabric with blue lines.  These women are nuns dedicated to helping ‘the unwanted, the unloved, and the uncared for’.

Mother Teresa talked the City of Calcutta into giving her a dilapidated building.  She took six months of medical training, and then she went to work helping these poor, hungry, sick people who had no one taking care of them.  The first thing that she started was a facility for them to come to instead of being on the street – to have a place to be, and people to take care of them, while they died.  Um, I haven’t done that yet, either.

I remember that when she won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for ‘bringing help to suffering humanity’, what I loved the most was that there was a banquet budget of $7,000, and she was aghast at how much was going to be spent.  She wanted to know if she could have the money instead, which they gave her.  She asked, apparently with incredulity, ‘Do you know how many people I can feed with this much money?’

Oh, I could never live up to her.  She was phenomenal to watch.  Inspiring to say the least.  Pretty cool that we had this quiet, petite little dynamo in our lifetime.  It’s been such a pleasure.

Here’s a copy of her Nobel Lecture in case you might be interested in reading it.

Her life was lived between 1910 and 1997.

What Is He Hungry For?


Gregory.  He lives between the Starbucks and the barbeque place near the corner of Mission Beach Boulevard and Mission Bay Drive; catty corner from the roller coaster, in San Diego.  You see him a lot, along the boardwalk.

One of the first things Gregory speaks about when you begin a conversation with him is the time several years ago that a group of rich kids beat him up.  He needed emergency surgery and stayed in the hospital for over a week.  He shows you his scars and tells you the details.  They took his thirteen dollars.

I think it’s just as my ob/gyn told me after my first long and painful natural childbirth experience.  Many weeks later I mentioned that I still couldn’t read, because I couldn’t concentrate.  His response was that he thinks as humans we need to relive significantly upsetting experiences over and over, and talk about them over and over, until we have rehashed them enough to be comfortable with them in our heads.

Gregory and I are a little bit of buds.  I am always happy that he remembers me.  Our last encounter was amusing.  From another man I know, Greg, who has been hanging around my neighborhood in Phoenix for the past five years, I realize that people living on the streets get hungry for homemade food.  But I’m not much of a cook – not my thing.  So when I last saw Gregory I asked him what he was hungry for?  He thought for a minute and decided that a tuna fish sandwich sounded awfully good, and anything other than water to drink.  He was tired of water.  I said okay, I would be back.

I decided instead of buying him a “chick food” tuna sandwich with tarragon, dill, and the like, from a cafe near me, that a plain old homemade tuna sandwich from a deli market about a mile and a half away was probably much more what he was thinking.

At this point I recruited my husband, who was out on a bike, to go get him a sandwich and a bottle of my favorite Apricot nectar (Looza’s), because he might have a shot at getting there more quickly; quickly enough to be able to still find Gregory.

Well, as these things often go, my husband rode around for quite awhile before locating him.  When he finally did, Gregory was sitting on the boardwalk by Hamel’s talking to a woman who was standing over him.  John waited awhile for a break in their conversation, straddling his bike, kind of standing over, but to the side of them, with the plastic to-go bags hanging on the handlebar of his bike.  When the conversation finally paused, John looked at Gregory and asked, “Did you order a tuna sandwich?”

Gregory thought during a long pause, and after a puzzled look which turned into a faint grin, said “Yes”.

John handed him his lunch and pedaled off.

We still wonder what the woman thought, and we still giggle.  It was fun and it was funny.  Gregory is cool.
You might check out this song, Tuna Fish Sandwich, by Tim Hawkins. (I’ll make a Spotify fan out of you yet.)

We think these guys are as much a part of this community as we are.  If you would like to combat a few of the locals, including a woman named Racheal Allen and a man named Mike Spangler, who are trying to run off the homeless folks so that they can have a prettier looking beach, you might check out their Facebook page, cleanuppb.

Here is an article about the issue in the local paper, the Beach and Bay Press.


Photo of  Gregory, with his permission, by the author.