We Are Neurologically Transformed by Whatever We PRACTICE



Practice, practice, practice.  It takes ten thousand hours to become an expert at something according to Malcolm Gladwell, who wrote about it in his book, Outliers.  It never occurred to me until now that this includes practicing what I am thinking, and practicing everything I do every day, which reflects my beliefs and who I want to be here in my trip on earth.

I need to stop just going along on a daily basis without thinking.  I’m practicing without realizing it.  I’m practicing what?, COMPLAINING about calories, grocery shopping, airline ticket prices, exercise, that I’m missing my very best friend?,  or FOCUSING ON WHAT I DON’T HAVE, that I don’t have my own beautiful car, just a beautiful one I share with my husband…who is busy complaining about me making it smell like a gym because I drive in it after working out?

I’m probably most busy practicing trying to change those around me to suit what I want and need, “Do you have to use that tone of voice with me?”,  as I’m on guard to see the negative in our conversation yet again.

I guess I’m practicing all of these things, and I’m going to get to the point, if I haven’t already, of being perfect at them.  It’s a startling realization, brought on by the following passage I just read:

“Transformation is not just an abstract or idealistic promise; it is an actual physical possibility. For years scientists erroneously believed that the development of the brain and nervous system was complete at the age twenty or twenty-five. Recently modern neuroscience has discovered “neuroplasticity,” confirming what was known by Buddhist psychology for millennia: even adults can change. The adult brain and nervous system grow and change throughout our lives. Until the very end, we are neurologically transformed by whatever we practice. We are not limited by the past.”   from The Wise Heart, written by Jack Kornfield

We are neurologically transformed BY WHATEVER WE PRACTICE.  Note to self:  Notice these things.  Notice what I’m thinking.  Notice what I’m doing.